White Yam Sweet Potato Plants
White Yam Sweet Potato Plants
Maturity Date
Maturity Date
120 Days
Shipping Info
Shipping Info
All plants are packed and shipped the same day. See our shipping schedule below.
White Yam Sweet Potato Features:
As the name suggests, White Yam is a white sweet potato variety that has a bright white flesh. This is one of our best-tasting white sweet potato varieties, although it has a much longer maturity date than Bonita and O'Henry. This variety produces smaller, elongated sweet potatoes that average 8-10" long.
White Yam sweet potatoes have a dry, flaky flesh compared to orange sweet potato varieties. The lower moisture content allows these to store much longer than orange sweet potatoes. They're great for frying, roasting, or mixing with Irish potatoes for a nutritious mashed potato dish.
White Yam Sweet Potato Growing Tips:
White Yam sweet potato plants have a beautiful jagged leaf pattern that you won't find in any other variety. This variety takes a long time (120 days) to produce mature sweet potatoes, so it's not a great option for northern gardeners. It's better suited for those with a long, hot summer.
White Yam sweet potato plants should also be given more space than other sweet potato varieties. We recommend giving 16" of space between plants along the row for optimal production. Consistent watering will provide higher yields, especially in years when rainfall is scarce.
*For more general sweet potato growing tips, click here.
Certified Sweet Potato Plants
All our sweet potato plants are inspected and certified to be disease-free. Our fields are regularly inspected and the sweet potatoes are checked daily during the harvest period.
The sweet potatoes are inspected again once in the storage house and checked a fourth time when placed in the beds for plant production.
This certification process is rigorous, but ensures our customers receive the highest-quality sweet potato plants.
Sweet Potato Plant Shipping Dates
Sweet potato plants should be planted once the risk of frost has passed and soils have warmed. Our plant shipping schedule ensures your sweet potato plants will arrive when your weather is ideal for planting. This schedule also ensures that you'll receive your plants in time for the sweet potato plants to reach full maturity before your first frost in fall.
Shipping Map
Shipping Schedule