Choose the Right Onion Variety for You!

Onion Planting Map
Onions have two distinct growing phases: the vegetative and bulbing phase. Onion varieties are categorized based on the average day-length when they start the bulbing phase.
Use this map to pick the right onion varieties for your area. Choosing the right day-length varieties for your area will ensure you'll grow the largest onions possible.
If you're on the edge of any of the distinct day-length regions, you can grow either of those types. For example if you live in northern TX, you can grow intermediate day or short day varieties.
Onion Plants by Day-Length
Short Day Onions
Shop Short Day OnionsThese varieties perform best in southern latitudes where winters are mild. Choose from our selection of red, white, and yellow short-day onion plants.
Intermediate Day Onions
Shop Intermediate Day OnionsThese varieties perform best in the middle of the country and established plants will start bulbing when day length reaches 12-14 hours per day.
Long Day Onions
Shop Long Day OnionsThese varieties require 14-16 hours of daylight for bulbing and perform best in northern latitudes. Try them all with our Long Day Onion Plant Collection!
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