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Intermediate Day Onion Plant Collection

Intermediate Day Onion Plant Collection

Regular price $43.95
Regular price Sale price $43.95
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50-70 Plants Per Bunch

Day Length Type

Intermediate Day

Maturity Date

90-100 Days

Shipping Info

Onions will be shipped in accordance with recommended planting dates for your area. See our onion plant shipping schedule below.

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Our Intermediate Day Onion Plant Collection includes a bundle each (50-70 plants) of three different intermediate-day onion varieties that perform great in the middle of the country. 

Intermediate Day Onion Plant Collection Varieties:

Hybrid Candy Onion Plants

Our Hybrid Candy Onion Plants produce some of the sweetest onions you'll ever grow! These round, jumbo onions can grow as large as 6" in diameter and are slightly flattened at maturity. They're sweet, juicy, and usually store for 3 months after harvesting.

Red Candy Apple Onion Plants

Our Red Candy Apple Onion Plants produce beautiful red onions that are great for making tomato-based pasta sauces. These medium-sized red onions are highly regarded as some of the best tasting red onions you'll find. Use them for cooking or as a flavorful addition to your favorite sandwiches or salads.

Superstar Onion Plants

Our Superstar Onion Plants produce large white onions with incredible flavor. This variety is an All-American Selection and has a storage potential of two months after harvesting. The plants produce strong tops that help shade the onions as they mature, preventing discoloration from sun exposure.

Intermediate Day Onion Plant Collection Growing Tips:

Our Intermediate Day Onion Plant Collection should be planted in late winter, approximately four to six weeks before your average last frost date. Established onion plants can tolerate temperatures down to 20°F, but young onion transplants will be more sensitive. Place the onion transplants 6" apart in your raised bed or in-ground garden and water them well for best results.

Onion plants are heavy feeders and will perform best in fertile soils. If your soils are not naturally fertile, you'll need to fertilize the plants to grow large onions. Feed the onions a balanced fertilizer (relatively equal parts of N-P-K) at planting or shortly after. Once the plants establish and start growing, feed them a couple times with a nitrogen-based fertilizer and watch them grow!

*For more general onion growing tips, click here.

Onion Plants from Steele Plant Company

Farm Fresh Onion Plants

Our onion plants are field grown to ensure the highest-quality onion plants for our customers.

After being harvested from the field, our onion plants are cleaned, trimmed, boxed, and shipped to you. We want our customers to have the freshest plants so they can be successful growing their own onions.

When your onion plants arrive, open the box immediately and unwrap the individual onion plant bundles. We recommend planting them as soon as possible, but they'll be fine in a cool dry area for one to two weeks.

  • Onion plants will be shipped during the windows listed on the shipping schedule, in accordance with the colors on the shipping map. Please note that our onion plant shipping schedule differs from our sweet potato plant shipping schedule. If you order sweet potato plants and onion plants, you'll receive them at different times.

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  • Onion Plant Shipping Dates - Steele Plant Company

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